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Clothing and Vestments

In order to support ease of sitting and reduce distraction for participants, it’s customary to wear loose comfortable clothing in subdued colors. Keep dress comfortable and modest. Unless you are unable to do so, allow the feet and head to be bare in order to open up all your senses to your surroundings. We appreciate your respect for the tradition and look forward to joining together in practice. ​​Below are some of the other common vestments you might see in the zendo.


The wagesa is a thin strip of cloth connected by an eternal knot. Those who have received Buddhist precepts are given these after they have undergone a ceremony called Jukai which marks formal entry onto the path.  

The wagesa is a helpful reminder of one’s vows and the value of practice. These, in addition to the rakusu, are treated with great respect and placed upon the head during the Robe Verse often chanted before zazen.


Samue are traditional Japanese work clothes that have become common in Western sanghas as general meditation clothing. They fit nicely over work clothes that helps signify a transition to the zendo space.Everyone is welcome to wear samue — they are relatively easy to sew and act as a reminder of the importance of your practice.



The rakusu, a bib-like garment with a ring, is a small version of the Buddha’s robe. At the time of the Buddha, these hand-sewn garments were originally made from discarded cloth. The pattern represents a fertile rice field. Those with green rakusus at Zen West have taken five additional vows to place practice at the center of life, honor the teacher/student relationship, take responsibility for one's actions, care for the sangha and uphold the lineage tradition.    

Rakusu colors vary from sangha to sangha to signify different relationships and roles. At Zen West, green symbolizes both newness and connection to the earth. For lay people, green indicates the way practice takes on color in everyday life. In the Dharma Cloud Lineage, blue is worn by transmitted lay teachers while brown and gold are worn by transmitted priests.

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