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Twining Vines

Twining Vines is a program integrating organic market gardening and contemplative practice bringing together the vital connection between inner and outer ecologies . The  six month residential curriculum is a collaboration between Zen West and Horton Road Organic Farm that hosts seasonal retreats for the sangha at the Empty Field Zendo.  Twining Vines accepts 5 residential students and 3 part time students who travel the season together learning how to care for the land anchored in a committed community and the wisdom of Zen practice.  

Below are ways sangha can get involved.

Join Us for Practice
on the Farm

Twining Vines
Welcomes Sangha Participation
Join us during the season for:


Wednesday Evening Practice

Fridays Volunteer Day

Special Farm Workshops

Volunteer at the Farmer's Market​

Schedule a Private Retreat


Sign Up for the Twining Vines Newsletter including events, merket updates, recipes, farm stories and teachings on Zen and ecology.   ​​​​​​

I recommend consulting the natural world on all matters of great concern. Our technological environment is increasingly becoming a hall of mirrors, incapable of revealing what truly heals and liberates. Mountains and rivers point beyond our mercurial desires and must do's. Beyond self. What happens when we sit with grief before a waterfall? What does a forest have to say about taking refuge? What does a flock of geese teach about the next step on the path? We commune with the ground of the being constantly whispered by the natural world. This is the climate of mind we need to counter our profound mis-attunement in regards to our true body. Before a fir tree or spring flower, become very very still, and listen.  ~Seido

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