11 minutes ago
Liturgy: Boundless Compassion
Seido talks about the absolutely essential need for practicing compassion. Included in the talk are common misunderstandings about how we...

Feb 6
Liturgy: The Fundamental Point
Seido introduces Genjo Koan, Dogen's seminal piece translated as "Actualizing the Fundamental Point" and the most quoted lines "studying...

Feb 3
Precepts: Respect the Buddha, Unfold the Dharma, Nourish the Sangha
Seido talks about the 10th Grave Precept that returns the precept study back to the three treasures of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. The...

Jan 30
Liturgy: Instructions for Zazen
Seido reflects on the previous week's Shuso Hossen ceremony using Dogen's line that "zazen is not meditation practice." She talks about...

Jan 16
Liturgy: Heart of the Matter
What does the Heart Sutra mean with all of those "No's"? Talk includes background on the Heart Sutra and the change in consciousness it...