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Practice at Home

Establishing Zen practice at home transforms our relationship to others and introduces the spirit of Zen to everyday life where it most matters. Consistent rituals turn the mind toward what’s most essential in any moment and create an opportunity for new responses born of wisdom and compassion. The value of any practice is found in the way it touches our hearts, helps us enter the present moment, and access our deeper intention. Many people find the Sky Zendo helpful in bringing the practice alive in their own home settings.  Below are some suggestions.   

Home As A Temple


Sitting Daily Zazen

Setting up a dedicated meditation space in your home with a cushion/bench or chair helps remind you to sit regularly. Many practitioners will sit daily 30 to 40 minutes often in the morning, but not necessarily. When you are beginning, even 5 to 10 minutes  a day can be transformative. Consistency is more important than longer less frequent meditations.


Preparing a Home Altar

Consider setting up a home altar. An altar symbolizes our central concern and reminds us of the sacred. Be creative. A traditional Zen altar starts with a Buddhist figure in the center, flowers on the left, a candle on the right and a brazier to receive incense in the center.  Common Buddhist images include the historical Buddha, Kanzeon, or Manjushri, but some people prefer a beautiful stone or another inspiring guide to represent the awakened mind. Offering incense, flowers or food, and bowing to the altar are ways we pay respect to our own inherent wisdom.


Chanting Service

Consider reciting or chanting particular verses or passages that inspire you to practice. Common chants people practice at home include the meal verse before meals, or work dedication before work. The practice of copying sutras is also a way to take in the teachings in a way that bypasses the discursive mind. Some practitioners commit to memory particular sutras and passages that call to them. 


Practicing Mindfulness

Dedicating some stretch of time when you forgo multitasking and entertainment brings the mind into the present moment where life is actually happening. The best place to start is with common activities like washing dishes, raking leaves,  or walking. Continually bring your attention to your breath, your hands, your sense of hearing or smell. Let thoughts come and go without indulging them . Notice the mind’s wandering and how it narrates your life, then gently return to the activity at hand. Notice the effect of this practice in your day.



Putting the hands palm to palm  is called being in gassho. This gesture is a universally understood gesture of sacred respect. Bowing in gassho can place a helpful pause during transitions in your day before taking up the next thing. You might consider bowing to your work space, garden, or direction of your sleeping children. There's no need to feel a particular way, but one can notice how it changes the felt sense of the moment. â€‹

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