Bodhisattva Precepts
Three Collective Pure Precepts
With purity of heart, I vow to do no harm.
With purity of heart, I vow to do good.
With purity of heart, I vow to free all beings.
Ten Momentous Prohibitory Precepts
1. Recognizing that I am not separate from all that is, I take up the way of non-killing.
2. Being satisfied with what I have, I take up the way of non-stealing.
3. Encountering all creations with respect and dignity, I take up the way of not misusing sexuality.
4. Listening and speaking from the heart, I take up the way of not speaking falsely.
5. Cultivating a mind that see clearly, I take up the way of not being deluded and not giving or taking intoxicants.
6. Unconditionally accepting what each moment has to offer, I take up the way of not talking about others errors or faults.
7. Speaking what I perceive to be the truth without guilt or blame, I take up the way of not elevating oneself and blaming others.
8. Using all the ingredients of my life, I take up the way of not being stingy and not attaching to anything, even the truth.
9. Transforming suffering into wisdom, I take up the way of not indulging in anger.
10. Honoring my life as an instrument of peacemaking. I take up the way of not thinking ill of the three treasures, buddha, dharma, and sangha.